Of all the questions I see coming in from the website, none is more prevalent than the request to sell used equipment. On some level it makes sense, where better a place for an audiophile to sell their used gear, and do so locally, than the very audio society of which one is a member? When Mike Twomey, Jim Rock and myself began talking about forming an audio society, we listed some basic goals we wanted to achieve. Number one, first and foremost, was having a place for audiophiles to meet each other, listen to music, and discuss the hobby. This remains our number one goal. In fact, it is almost our only goal. Secondarily to that was using the society to discover new music. And while that may not represent a long list of goals, they still remain as what we really want to accomplish.
Pretty quickly the idea of selling used equipment was raised. When Mike and I went to AXPONA in April of 2018, we talked with the Chicago Audio Society who had a booth in the marketplace. What they told us was surprising. They indicated regret over ever allowing the sale of used gear because of all the problems it causes. Most common was one member complaining that they were cheated by another member because of the condition of something purchased. They also told us they had members who never participated in any functions and were members for no other reason than to sell gear. This seems to track with what I have seen thus far. I had a request from someone about selling used gear. I emailed him back to explain that we didn’t do so but would be happy if he would join the society as a regular member. His response was that he was not interested in becoming a member if he couldn’t sell used gear. That told me selling used gear was his only interest. I seriously question if that is even qualified as being an audiophile. In talking with several other audio societies, I was told similar stories.
We have had requests for a list of all members email addresses so a bulk email advertising could be sent out. We feel like it is improper of us to distribute members personal email addresses, information entrusted to us, to someone who may very well send repeated, and very likely unwanted emails to other members. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I am bombarded by advertising selling something all the time. My system, my music, my audiophile hobby is a refuge from that, so to speak. I’m simply not interested in seeing continuing emails from some unknown person promoting a 1970’s receiver for only $100.00. I realize a page on the web site for used gear would mean that emails would not have to be sent, and that any interested member could contact a potential seller. I also realize some people may actually enjoy seeing used gear for sale. I also have the opinion that doing so would cause members undue problems. Obviously, the last thing any of us want is to have an audio society where members do not want to participate because of a problem resulting from buying something used.
For now, our policy is to not allow commerce to be conducted on the web site. We will not allow manufacturers to place ads on the site, nor do we plan to develop a “used gear” page. Perhaps that may change someday. But today, the CAS will continue to strive to be a place where one audiophile can meet another audiophile, listen to some tunes, talk about gear and discuss the hobby in general. Hopefully, that is a goal all members want to pursue.
Happy Listening
Paul Wilson